
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

TDA and Relaxation

TDA and Relaxation

The kids wrote another TDA today. I'll be giving them feedback over the next couple of weeks regarding this as we near the final, actual TDA portion of the state-mandated year-end testing. Since it...

Legal Advice

Legal Advice

Today, students participated in what is always one of the highlights of the year: Mr. Jim Bannister of the Bannister, Wyatt & Stalvey law firm discusses with students the Tom Robinson trial from...

The Tea Party Concluded

The Tea Party Concluded

Students today finished working on the enigmatic twenty-fourth chapter of Mockingbird, which includes this passage that stumps all the kids every year: Mrs. Merriweather nodded wisely. Her voice...

The Tea Party

The Tea Party

Few chapters are as initially bewildering as the tea party scene in chapter 24. It makes little sense because the women are all intentionally being somewhat obtuse, and while they all understand...

Wrapping up the Trial

Wrapping up the Trial

Students today completed the trial work with some comprehension questions about the chapters (17-23) as well as a little additional work on their testimony sketches in preparation for our meeting...

Analysis of Testimony

Analysis of Testimony

Students today looked at the testimony presented in the novel, with each group/pod taking a specific character's testimony and sketching it out step-by-step. We will be using this on the Tuesday...

The Crime Scene

The Crime Scene

During this lovely spring day today, students began a two-day look at the trial of Tom Robinson, focusing on the scene of the alleged crime. We sketched out the Ewell cabin and property. [gallery...

AOW, Geography, and Clauses

AOW, Geography, and Clauses

We began today going over the AOW that I handed back today. We looked specifically at the following words: concede redolent fraught exclave utopic In addition, we went over a little geography to...

Socratic Seminar about Characters

Socratic Seminar about Characters

Today we finished what we began yesterday by holding a Socratic seminar about the question of which minor character in Mockingbird is the most moral. [gallery...



Today, we began the presentations prepared yesterday. We didn't quite finish, so we'll work on that Monday. Tomorrow is online...

Discussion Preparation

Discussion Preparation

Students today began working on presentations for tomorrow about one of three questions. Calpurnia and the First Purchase African M.E. Church What is Calpurnia’s purpose in the novel? In order to...

2 Discussions from the Book

2 Discussions from the Book

Students today looked at two discussion questions that they worked on as a group before responding to other groups' ideas. We'll be expanding this to a group presentation and whole-class discussion...

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