
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Sentence Parsing, Paragraph Evaluation, and AOW Work

Sentence Parsing, Paragraph Evaluation, and AOW Work

Fourth and Fifth Periods English I students began their reading instruction in earnest today by learning a few techniques to help them get through tough sentences a little more fluidly. We learned...

Point of View and Schaffer

Point of View and Schaffer

Fourth and Fifth Periods (English I) We had library orientation today, so that took up some of our time. With our remaining time, we looked at how we can make sense of the story "In the Family."...

Assessment with Second and First Schaffer

Assessment with Second and First Schaffer

English I Students began assessing their first analytic Schaffer paragraph. Students will be anonymously assessing each others' first paragraphs, which we completed yesterday. Students will need to...

Article of the Week, Plot, Setting, and Schaffer

Article of the Week, Plot, Setting, and Schaffer

Article of the Week All students began working on their first Article of the Week today. English I students worked on an article about the Congressional bill that recently passed: English 8 is...

Quote Integration and Theme

Quote Integration and Theme

English I Students worked on increasing their mastery of concrete details by learning how to use quotes more effectively. We went over three steps to integrate quotes more effectively (Download) and...

First Analytic Schaffer and Inferring

First Analytic Schaffer and Inferring

English I students worked on their first analytic Schaffer paragraph by looking at the short story "The Sniper." We determined that the story could not work if we change the setting, and as we began...

Schaffer Practice and Inferring

Schaffer Practice and Inferring

Fourth and fifth periods today dug into the Schaffer model, the writing framework we will use the entire year. We covered the basics of how to use the model for prewriting/planning. We took special...

Reviewing Visually

Reviewing Visually

The last day of the penultimate week of the 2021/22 school year

Final Day of Graded Work

Final Day of Graded Work

English 8 and English I both finished up their lit circles today. That means only one thing: grades are done! For...

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