
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Mab and Research

Mab and Research

English I students worked on one of the most famous passages of Romeo and Juliet: Mercutio's Queen Mab monologue. In going over this famous passage, we covered two new topics: parallel construction...

Finding our Resource and Discussing Marriage

Finding our Resource and Discussing Marriage

English 8 students continued working on their research projects, which we will finish next week. Today we added a new website into the mix. On Friday we'll begin writing the actual report. English I...

1.2 and Source Evaluation

1.2 and Source Evaluation

English I students went over 1.2 in Romeo and Juliet, examining the first of several instances in which Shakespeare puts similar words into different characters' mouths: The first example was...

Continuing the Research and the Play

Continuing the Research and the Play

English 8 students continued their research projects. We were applying our notetaking and summarizing skills we learned and practiced yesterday to their actual research. English I students worked on...

Prologue and Inquiry Questions

Prologue and Inquiry Questions

English I students began the centerpiece of the whole year's curriculum: Romeo and Juliet. We began with the prologue, looking for some patterns and repetitions as well as a few surprises. Much to...

Logic and Research

Logic and Research

English 8 students, having recently completed a short unit on text structures, are taking these two days to beef up their critical thinking/reading skills. We're working on logic puzzles to that...

Monomyth and Central Idea

Monomyth and Central Idea

English I students worked on the monomyth from Joseph Campbell's The Hero with A Thousand Faces. We only made it through the first three stages of the hero's journey: Call to adventure Refusal of...

Hidden Calypso and Autism

Hidden Calypso and Autism

English I students finished a two-day analysis project in which they looked at the role allusions can play in the development of an artistic creation: The Police song "Wrapped Around Your Finger."...

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