
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Game Play and Final Drafts

Game Play and Final Drafts

English I students finally got the reward of their project labor: students played each others' Odyssey games. [gallery type="rectangular" size="medium"...

Game Prep and Final Drafting

Game Prep and Final Drafting

English I students worked on their Odyssey games -- the last day. Today, students played their own games for the first time to work out kinks in the instructions and game play itself. [gallery...

Project Work

Project Work

All students worked on projects today. English I worked on their Odyssey project, of which they will complete beta versions by the end of class Wednesday. English 8 students worked on their...

Project and a Model Paragraph

Project and a Model Paragraph

English 8 students looked at an example paragraph about "Inside Out," modeled on the paragraphs they wrote earlier this week. Through collaborative consultation they determined, among other things,...

Project and Project Prep

Project and Project Prep

English I students worked on their Odyssey projects. English 8 students finished their practice writing for the final major project.

Odyssey Narrative Structure, Game, and Paragraphs

Odyssey Narrative Structure, Game, and Paragraphs

English I students did a little more work on the Odyssey. We looked at how Homer's non-linear storyline comes about (hint: it involves punctuation) to provide a model for one of the project...

Infinitives, a Project, and Quote Embedding

Infinitives, a Project, and Quote Embedding

English I students went over infinitives today; in doing so, we've completed all five phrases: prepositional participial gerund infinitive appositive We'll be having a test on them next week. We've...

Allusions and a Test

Allusions and a Test

English 8 students had their test on parts of speech. Afterward, students worked on their "Inside Out" memoir and the accompanying Somebody Wanted But So engagement. Students who did not finish it...

SWBS and Allusions

SWBS and Allusions

English 8 read the second selection from The Circuit. It's called "Inside Out" and deals with the author's first days in school and the challenges he face not being fluent in English. We used a...

Completing Paragraphs and More

Completing Paragraphs and More

English 8 worked on two things: first, we took the graphic organizer we made yesterday: We first needed to add the commentary for our paragraph. We wrote it as a class, but in our graphic...

Homeric Embed Completion

Homeric Embed Completion

English 8 finished their first round of practice with embedding quotes. We shared and assessed our homework. We determined we should include the following for their context: They had already made it...

Embedded Similes

Embedded Similes

English 8 students continued working on the quote embedding practice we began yesterday. In addition to our trip to the library, we moved students away from teach-centered and group-based work on...

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