
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Tone and Analysis Completion

Tone and Analysis Completion

English I English I students worked on tone in the poetry we've read thus far. We began with "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night," noting the tone of defiance at the beginning of the poem and how...

Ian Virtual Day

Ian Virtual Day

Today, students were at home due to the possible effects of hurricane Ian. English 8 students worked on their Nightjohn paragraphs after a quick Kahoot session for fragments. English I students had...

Gentle Nights and Writing

Gentle Nights and Writing

English I students worked on "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" by presenting their analysis and summaries (see notes below). We also set the date for the parts of speech test (next Thursday)...

Gentle Nights and Planning

Gentle Nights and Planning

English I students began working on the next poem, Dylan Thomas's "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night." We spent the day making our way through the very challenging poem, with each group focusing...



English I students took the common assessment that most other students took last Friday before spending some time comparing "My Papa's Waltz" and "Those Winter Sundays." We came up with a number of...

Connotations and Fragments Applied

Connotations and Fragments Applied

On Friday, all students worked with relatively new material; today, we worked on applying it. English I students (fourth and fifth periods) worked on analyzing a poem in terms of the connotations of...

Connotations and Completing Work

Connotations and Completing Work

English I students began with a bit more practice on parts of speech identification before turning to our poetry unit. We completed their work on connotations with "Those Winter Sundays." English 8...

Connotations and Fragments

Connotations and Fragments

English I (fourth and fifth period) continued working on poetry; today we added the importance of connotation. We went over what connotation is: Afterward, we did some practice with connotation...

Poetry Interpretation and Literature Circles

Poetry Interpretation and Literature Circles

English I students began with a bit of analysis of our challenging article of the week, looking to determine what "flummery" might mean. Afterward, we continued with our new poetry unit, finishing...

Final Writing and Voice

Final Writing and Voice

English I students worked in class on their final Schaffer paragraphs for the short story unit. They're writing on symbolism and irony in "The Gift of the Magi" or "The Necklace." Students have...

Necklace and Nightjohn Discussion

Necklace and Nightjohn Discussion

English I students finished the in-class instruction/overview for the parts of speech work we've been doing. We'll have a test on the material some time in the next couple of weeks after a bit of...

Ironic Planning and Nightjohn Beginnings

Ironic Planning and Nightjohn Beginnings

English I students went over linking verbs and phrasal verbs before working on the paragraph for their model selection for our last short story analytic writing assignment. (Complete notes below.)...

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