
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…


As I was out today with a sick little boy, I won't be posting an update: I can't be entirely sure what the substitute was able to cover.

Arguments Squared — Again

Today in first and fourth periods we finished our arguments in the groups and then broke off into smaller groups and presented them. We're focusing on arguments heavily this quarter, and we will...

Arguments Again

Today in first and fourth periods we broke off into groups and discussed the question assigned to each group. Then we constructed arguments on our answers. The questions are as follows (based on...

Planning and Think Alouds

First and fourth periods got into groups to plan their arguments about the death of Emmett Till. In the last ten minutes we discussed our assignment about "To Kill a Mockingbird" due Wednesday. Miss...

Socratic Traditions

First and fourth periods continued their Socratic Seminars on the n-word, with the coaches and speakers switching roles. Second and seventh periods had Socratic Seminars looking at the question of...

Delicate Discussion and Traditions

Today first and fourth periods had a Socratic Seminar on "the n-word." This word, so offensive and yet so prevalent in culture, appears multiple times in To Kill a Mockingbird and we were practicing...

Participles and Arguments

Participles and Arguments

Today in first and fourth periods we got into groups and constructed arguments on the topic of Emmett Till and the Civil Rights Movement. Students used the three sources from yesterday to begin...

Emmett Till and Meeting Nightjohn

Emmett Till and Meeting Nightjohn

Today in first and fourth periods we learned about Emmett Till through multiple resources, including Bob Dylan's song "The Death of Emmett Till." We'll be...

Final Argument and voice

Final Argument and voice

Today in first and fourth periods we worked on identifying clues that tell us that "To Kill a Mockingbird" is written in a Southern voice. We looked at style attributes and content issues that...

MAP Fall 2013

Students from all classes took the fall MAP test. More information about the test is here.

Mr. Scott’s Murder Mystery Theater

Mr. Scott’s Murder Mystery Theater

First and fourth period learned about arguments today. Though we had been writing arguments all quarter while using the Schaffer model, we applied some different names to some old terms and added a...

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