
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Scene Five and Individual Assessment

Scene Five and Individual Assessment

First and fourth periods continued with yesterday's EQ: "How does Shakespeare include stage directions in the dialog" by acting/directing the whole of 1.5. We then watched a professional performance...

Dussel and Mab

First and fourth periods are a little ahead of schedule: we worked on Mab today. We'll finish up tomorrow. Second and seventh periods are right on schedule. The last presentation will be tomorrow,...

Loving Dussel

Loving Dussel

First and fourth periods combined scenes two and three from the first act with bits of scene one in order to examine various characters' views on love and marriage. The chart we used is available...

Poor Romeo and Mr. Dussel

First and fourth periods looked at how Romeo is first introduced. They broke into groups to change the words into modern language. They also looked at a modern version of Romeo and Juliet. Second...

Opening Scene and More Schaffer

Opening Scene and More Schaffer

First and fourth periods looked at humor in the opening scene of Romeo and Juliet. We viewed three separate clips of the opening and looked at how the director tried to add comedic elements to make...

Puns and Tempers

Puns and Tempers

First and fourth periods looked at how and why Shakespeare used questionable humor in his plays. We looked at the first 30 lines to determine how Shakespeare uses puns to create an opening that...

Prologue and Mrs. Van Daan

Prologue and Mrs. Van Daan

First and fourth periods looked at the prologue to act 1, scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet. We read it and marked it a number of ways. The first step as always, check for unknown/unfamiliar words:  ...


The forum for today's homework is not working. I'm not sure why. Obviously, this makes homework a moot point!

Examining Organization and Drafting Paragraphs

Examining Organization and Drafting Paragraphs

First and fourth periods began the unit on Romeo and Juliet by reading an informational text about why Shakespeare still resonates with today's readers. We were working  with standard RI.9-10.3:...

Sonnets and Web Site Evaluation

First and fourth periods finished up the poetry mini-unit by looking at how to write a sonnet. There's substantial planning involved, and we went through the steps as a class. First period's initial...

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