The English I Honors semester exam is scheduled for Thursday, January 9, 2014. The study guide is available here.
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Romeo and Juliet Act Two Quiz Results
I forgot to mention that the Romeo and Juliet act two quiz results are available at the Moodle site for review.
Cutting the Script and Parenthetical Citations
First and fourth periods worked on cutting the script down to bare minimum. We're cutting scenes 2-5 of act 3, requiring very close reading and critical thinking. Second and seventh periods worked...
The Death of Mercutio and Tybalt and Implication/Inference
First and fourth Periods looked at 3.1 and worked on the first song of the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack project. Second and seventh periods worked on implication and inference through act two scene...
Tableaux Vivants and Changing Relationships
Today in first and fourth periods we took the Act 2 quiz in the computer lab. Then we returned to class to present our tableaux vivants in our groups from yesterday. The "audience" analyzed the...
Tableaux Vivant and Changing Relationships
Today in first and fourth periods we looked at what tableaux vivant means and what it was (living picture). Then we broke off into groups, each group assigned to a different part in 3.1. Looking at...
The Fated Wedding and Relationship Changes
First and fourth periods worked on understanding Shakespeare without the text in front of you. They watched versions of Act 2, scenes 4, 5, and 6 after going over some tricks to help with...
Friar Lawrence and Act 2
First and fourth periods looked at Friar Lawrence's soliloquy at the beginning of 2.3. The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night, Chequering the eastern clouds with streaks of light, And...
Donaldson Center and Logic
Morning periods went to the Donald Career Center for tours. As such, in order not to get ahead of the morning folks, afternoon periods worked on critical thinking and logic exercises.
2.2 Finalized and Denial Arguments Analyzed
Today in first and fourth periods we acted out our own balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. We then watched two different versions done by professionals. This concludes our extensive look at 2.2....
Organization and Balconies
Today in first and fourth periods we looked some more at our group "chunks" of 2.2 Romeo and Juliet, looking for more hidden stage directions and deciding on elements not implicitly in the text...
Soundtrack Samples Fixed
I've fixed the soundtrack pages! Three cheers for Mr. Scott! Three cheers for support forums! Boo to WordPress (can't believe I'm saying that!) for changing short codes for embedded audio!