
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Text Structure

Today in first and fourth periods we looked at the different types of text structures (i.e., organizational models). We will be using this as an analytical tool during the current unit. Second and...

Schaffer Madness

Schaffer Madness

All classes worked on a mid-year assessment of facility with the Schaffer writing model. First and fourth periods finished planning the extended writing prompt from yesterday. Second and seventh...

Planning and Generalizing

First and Fourth periods had the Act 4 and 5 quiz, and then worked on planning the essay for the essay question. Romeo's final speech is filled with themes and language devices Shakespeare has used...

Multi-Part Essay Question and Socratic Justice

Multi-Part Essay Question and Socratic Justice

Today in first and fourth periods we took another look at Romeo's final words, except we used the speech to answer a multi-part essay question. Then we broke off into groups and planned out what the...

Romeo’s Final Words and Justice

Romeo’s Final Words and Justice

Today in first and fourth periods we talked about the new quarter schedule looked at Romeo's final speech from Romeo and Juliet. We took a closer look at the speech and discussed certain parts in...

Climaxes and Final Drafts

First and fourth periods are nearing the end of Romeo and Juliet, looking today at the question of climax and how directors create it in productions. To that end, we watched and briefly analyzed two...

Fate and Drafting

Fate and Drafting

First and fourth periods completed the second of two Socratic Seminars about the conclusion of Romeo and Juliet. Coaches from  the last seminar became this seminar's speakers, and we discussed the...

Fate is the word

Today in first and fourth periods we discussed what "fate" really was after some house keeping items regarding the "Decoration Day" workshop. We then broke off into groups and looked for mentions of...

Formal Language and a Transitional Day

First and fourth periods worked on standard W.9-10.1d: "Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are...

Decompressing and Researching

First and fourth periods went over the exam from yesterday. Second and seventh periods continued research for the final project for our Anne Frank unit. I also conducted informal interviews with...

Exam and Research

First and fourth periods had their semester exam today. Second and seventh periods continued print and internet research on their selected heroes of the Holocaust.

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