
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…



First and fourth periods began studying allegories today, as part of our study on Lord of the Flies. We first learned what an allegory is, and then looked at an allegory, "The Allegory of the Cave."...

The Plan Revised and Practicing Steps Two and Three

First and fourth periods, having gone quickly yesterday over introductions, took the time today to look at the five steps they'll be taking during next Tuesday's PASS writing test: Narrow topic to...

Introduction: The Funnel

Introduction: The Funnel

First and fourth periods worked on introduction paragraphs using the funnel metaphor, and then after practicing, broke into groups to attempt to write their own paragraph with a partner. The idea is...

Phrases and More Close Reading

Phrases and More Close Reading

In second and seventh periods, we continued our multi-day close-reading work with a text on empathy. We'll be putting it all on pause for a while next week, though, as we have our final PASS...

Text Marking and Project Work

Text Marking and Project Work

Second and seventh periods did some heavy lifting today, working with extensive close reading and text marking for Flowers for Algernon. We first worked to mark the text for unknown words and...

MAP Spring 2014

All classes took the Measures of Academic Progress test today. I'll be publishing some general results as soon as all students compete the test. All homework today is the same as it was yesterday.

MAP Prep and Hero Mapping

MAP Prep and Hero Mapping

First and fourth periods worked on a mini-project to conclude the Odyssey. We're applying Joseph Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces to various films that have the hero/journey motif. Second and...

Hero Journey and Catch-up

First and fourth periods compared their work with an independent summary of The Hero with a Thousand Faces in order to assess their accuracy. They began afterward working to apply Campbell's ideas...

Paraphrasing the Hardest Text We’ve Ever Read

First and fourth Periods worked to complete the paraphrasing of each passage everyone was given. After completing this they wrote three things that they think will happen before and after their...

Comma Completion and Paraphrasing

Comma Completion and Paraphrasing

First and fourth periods continued with their paraphrases of excerpts of Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces. It's a challenge, for passages read like this: Refusal of the summons...

Heroes and Commas

Today of first and fourth periods we started the group work with The Hero with A Thousand Faces. We're trying to look at the meaning of the text and how it relates to The Odyssey. We've started by...

Paraphrasing and Easily Confusing Words

Paraphrasing and Easily Confusing Words

First and fourth periods worked on changing their topic sentences from Friday's homework. Students shared work, and we collaboratively revised the sentences. First period examples Assuming she's...

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