
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Lord of the Flies and Research Concluding

Lord of the Flies and Research Concluding

First and fourth periods today discussed chapter 8 of the Lord of the Flies. We mainly focused on the portion of chapter 8 where Simon was hallucinating about meeting the "Lord of the Flies." From...

English I Phrase Test

English I Phrase Test

English I students will have a test on phrases Thursday 10 April. Resources for additional preparation for this test are available here.

Authority in Lord of the Flies

First and Fourth periods in class today did a Socratic Seminar about how authority and the reading that they went over yesterday apply in Lord of the Flies. We've also made a change about the next...

Milgram and Authority

First and fourth periods looked at how authority works in society, and then looked at an example, Milgram's Experiment. Milgram's experiment was designed to show how far people will follow the will...

Gerunds and Research

Gerunds and Research

First and fourth periods began with a bit of practice with the two types of phrases we've been working with: prepositional and participial phrases. Afterward, we learned about a new type of phrase,...

Taboo in the Lord of the Flies

In class today, first and forth periods discussed in groups a sociological analysis of the passage below from Lord of the Flies. Roger gathered a handful of stones and began to throw them. Yet there...


First and fourth periods today learned about sociology, and how it works in everyday life. We discussed how society influences how we relate with one another, as well as how it controls how we...

Phrases and Participles

First and fourth periods today took some class time to read Lord of the Flies and then learned about participle phrases. They then took some notes on participles and looked at examples and practice...

Model Writing and Justice

First and fourth periods spent some time looking at the rubric for the extensive Lord of the Flies project and then worked in pairs to evaluate a less-than-perfect model selection: As the boys...

Quarter 3 Evaluations

First and fourth period students need to evaluate starters and participation by Wednesday. Click here to evaluate participation. Click here to evaluate starters.

Maslow’s Antecedents

Maslow’s Antecedents

First and fourth periods worked on a famous hypothetical scenario today in preparation for the first writing assignment for Lord of the Flies: You are adrift on a private yacht in the South Pacific....

Allegory and Antecedents

Allegory and Antecedents

First and fourth periods returned to Lord of the Flies and the question of what an allegory is. We accomplished this by continuing our examination of Plato's "Allegory of the Cave." After marking...

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