Today all students took the sixty-three question mathematics SCPASS test. During the rest of the periods, we worked on a common standard: comparing a media adaptation of a book we're reading to the...
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
SCPASS 2014 Day 1: Reading
Today all students took the fifty-question reading SCPASS test. During the rest of the periods, we worked on a common standard: comparing a media adaptation of a book we're reading to the actual...
Review, Point of View, Tense, Quick Reading, and Reading Day
First period did a PASS review today, and then learned how to quickly skim through Charles Dickens' work, making Great Expectations easier to read. Fourth period worked on two PASS review...
Skimming and Clauses And Point of Views
Today first period finished up learning about clauses by looking at new types of sentences: complex sentences. In fourth, they learned how to quickly skim the "Mr. Scott way." This will help the...
Point of View and Sentence Types
First period studied the first two types of sentences today, simple sentences, and compound sentences. We also did a PASS review assignment in preparation for the SCPASS test next week. Fourth...
Sentence Types and Inferring Word Meaning
First period learned about clauses. Students learned about the two types of clauses, independent and dependent, and then looked at some practice exercises from the writing textbook. Today, fourth...
Inferring Word Meaning and Motifs
Today in first, they discussed chapters 1-10 of Great Expectations. Included in this discussion, are different aspects of the book and how they will use these aspects to create the final project...
First period had a SCPASS practice in anticipation for the actual SCPASS test next week. Fourth periods began discussing chapters 1-10 of Great Expectations today. We discussed some of the aspects...
More Ballads and Discussions
First and fourth periods studied another ballad titled the "Ballad of Birmingham," which is about the Sixteenth Street bombing in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963. We compared the "Ballad of Birmingham"...
Ballads and PASS Practice/Discussions
First and fourth periods learned about ballads today. We looked at a ballad called the "Boots of Spanish Leather," and got to listen to Mr. Scott play the guitar and sing the ballad in class. We...
Choices, Decisions, and Reading
First and fourth periods read Great Expectations in class today. Today in second and seventh periods worked on their choices and their decisions. They also worked in groups from the first and almost...
Dickensian Style, PASS Practice, and More Choices
Today, first and fourth periods took a more detailed look at the first chapter of Great Expectations. They learned about two different ways of how Charles Dickens writes so they can read his writing...