10 First and fourth periods looked at annotated bibliographies today. We looked at an example of an annotated bibliography by Mr. Scott, and then discussed the requirements for our annotated...
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
EOC and Monster’s Last Parts
11 First and fourth periods took the state-required End of Course (EOC) exam for English 1 today, which is worth twenty percent of their final grade. The results of the exam should be...
Practice and Acting
12 First and fourth period practiced for the End of Course Exam that is tomorrow. We looked at an example exam and had an informal review in the form of Jeopardy. Today second and seventh period...
Propaganda, Research, and Monster
13 First and fourth periods learned about propaganda techniques today in preparation for the EOCEP Exam on Wednesday. Some of the techniques we learned were: bandwagon, testimonials, plain folks,...
Research and Monster
14 First and fourth periods continued their research project for Great Expectations. Students will have temporary access to the journal articles we're using in class from this update. Today second...
Great Expectations Resources
This includes all the articles we're using in class for the Great Expectations research project. [wpfilebase tag=list id=36 tpl=table pagenav=1 /]
Sick Day
15 As I was out for family illness, I can only write what the plans were for the day: first and fourth periods were to continue their characterization projects and then switch to the research...
Inquiry Questions and Monster
16 Today, first and fourth periods began with a starter about the types of sentences. We were given two sentences, and based on the number of subordinate and independent clauses were to determine...
17 In first and fourth periods today, they started on a project, that is due tomorrow, about how Dickens develops the different characters in his novels. Today second and seventh period were reading...
Beginning Monster and Completing Foreshadowing
18 Today, first and fourth periods learned about the final type of sentence, the compound complex sentence. Compound-Complex Sentence two or more independent clauses one or more dependent clause...
Foreshadowing and Courtroom Vocab
19 First and fourth periods began the day looking at three sentences from Great Expectations, determining phrases, independent clauses, and (as needed) subordinate clauses. Afterward, we began,...
SCPASS 2014 Day 3: Science and Social Studies
20 Today all students took either the science or the social studies SCPASS test. Students in the eighth grade are randomly selected to take one or the other test. During the rest of the periods, we...