English I Honors students today continued with the difference between summary and analysis by looking carefully the analysis portion of yesterday's work. With a little help, students saw that...
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Analysis and Peer Work
English 8 students began working on their workshop skills. Today was a frustrating day for them as I was doing more formative assessment, having students perform tasks with minimal instruction and...
Formative Completion and Schaffer
English I Honors students spent another day exploring the Schaffer model. We analyzed our homework topic sentences to see which fulfilled the Schaffer guidelines before working in groups to add CDs....
Schaffer Practice and Formative Assessments
English 8 and creative writing students began their initial formative assessment, a writing assignment designed to give me information about students' understanding of and comfort with the writing...
Schaffer Basics and the Writing Model
English 8 students moved toward their first formative assessment, an extended writing sample for me to evaluate and determine where we need to begin. Today, after going over SLANTS, we completed...
First Day 2014
Students in first and fifth periods (English 8) worked on some basic instructional procedures we'll be using throughout the year and also provided me with an initial writing sample. Students second...
Eighth Grade Day 2014
0 Today, the tears flowed, even from those who regarded themselves as invincible -- it's the same every year. It brings a smile to my face, reminding me of that feeling of excitement mixed with...
Final Thoughts
1 First and fourth periods finished Monster today while second period students finished up administrative issues (library books, textbooks, etc.)
Debate and Administrative Matters
2 First and fourth periods had their mini-debates on the guilt or innocence of Steve Harmon in Monster. Second period finished up some end-of-the-year administrative issues. Seventh period didn't...
Final Exams and Monster
3In first and fourth periods today, we acted out some more on Monster. We'll have the debate tomorrow. Today second and seventh periods worked on there final exam.
Final Exam Prep and Monster
4 Today second and seventh period were working on there outline for there final exam tomorrow. They went to the computer lab to work on it and evaluate starters and participation. First and fourth...
New Book and Completed Stories
5 Today in first and fourth periods, they started a new book titled Monster. It is about an African-American 16 year-old being convicted for accessory to murder. It is written as in a story-board...