
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

A Model, Tension, and Authority

A Model, Tension, and Authority

English I Honors students in fourth period returned to the passages from Mockingbird that we were working on yesterday to begin establishing, with the help of an informational text, how Harper Lee...

Fragments, Run-Ons, Movies, and Phrases

English I Honors sixth period students completed their jigsaw work on phrases, with all students how having a working knowledge of gerunds, participles, infinities, appositives, and prepositional...

Writing, Socratic Seminar, and Jig Saw Prep

Writing, Socratic Seminar, and Jig Saw Prep

English 8 Strategies students worked on their regular Tuesday writing schedule. We're still working on our argumentative writing. Today, students were to complete the second of their three first...

Final Argument, Moral Ranking, and Milgram

English 8 Strategies began working on the fifth and final argument example in their project concerning when kids become adults. We used a modified version of this New York Times article and examined...

A Letter, Some Writing, and Verbals

A Letter, Some Writing, and Verbals

English 8 Strategies students took the unexpected day in class -- come on, admit it: we were all expecting to be out today -- and continued with the regularly-scheduled Friday writing day. As a...

Catch-Up Day

Since I've been out two days, and we've had the snow day (and more to come, it seems), today was a day to consolidate and catch up so that we don't get too far behind. English 8 Strategies students...

Delay Day

With each class only thirty minutes today, everything seemed to be over before it started, and each class did just a little catch-up work. English 8 Strategies students returned to some older work...

Due Date Moved

Good news, English I'ers -- Romeo and Juliet project due date moved back a day. Be safe, drink some hot chocolate, and use the time wisely.

Jigsaw Part Two, Writing, and the Chills

Jigsaw Part Two, Writing, and the Chills

Fourth period English I Honors took the next step in their jigsaw activity by breaking into their smaller groups to share with their coworkers the fruits of the larger groups' efforts. We'll...

Fish Bowl Topics, A Difficult Argument, and Sociology

Fish Bowl Topics, A Difficult Argument, and Sociology

Fourth period English I Honors continued with yesterday's controversial subject by reading an edited argument about the use of the pejorative term for African Americans in contemporary society....

Taboo, Run-ons, and a Tough Topic

English 8 Strategies students turned to grammar, it being Wednesday, practicing correcting run-on sentences after learning to identify them last week. We'll finish this and Monday's lesson up...

Tuesday Consultations, Argument, and Parts of Speech

English 8 Strategies students did the usual Tuesday routine: they wrote, and I consulted. Students are finishing up first drafts of argumentative writing pieces. They'll soon be deciding whether to...

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