Students in English 8 began their last unit on The Diary of Anne Frank. We went through an anticipation guide to help put students in Anne's place to see what she was facing. English I students...
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Socratic Seminars
All classes conducted Socratic Seminars today. English I students discussed which character is ultimately responsible for the "death" of Juliet at the end of act 4. English 8 students discussed the...
Research and Last Soliloquy
English 8 students continued working on their research for the argumentative essay we will be writing next week. Students should be finishing the research tomorrow. The next TDA will take place on...
Subtext and Research
English I students worked on determining the subtext of certain passages in scenes one and two from act four of Romeo and Juliet. The occurrence of subtextual elements will increase as the play...
Timeline and Assessment
English I students read 3.4, where we make a couple of discoveries: Juliet has to marry by Thursday. It's late Monday evening. Things have gotten From this information, we were able to create a...
Gallery Walk and Debrief
English 8 students went over the last text we explored and then finished up a Kahoot from yesterday about evaluating claims and evidence: English 8 students had a gallery walk comparing eight...
Claims and Paraphrases
English 8 students worked on a brief practice with identifying strong claims and strong evidence on Kahoot. We'll be evaluating more claims and evidence as we continue through the quarter. English I...
Project Work and Evaluating Claims and Evidence
English I students worked on their projects for Romeo and Juliet after reading 3.2 and discovering the confusion pronoun/antecedent ambiguity can cause. English 8 students had to maintain a holding...
Claims and Supporting Evidence
Everyone was working on arguments in one form or another today. English I students were creating claims about the connections between "Decoration Day" and Romeo and Juliet. Students came up with...
Project and Questions
English I students worked on the major project for the Romeo and Juliet unit. We first looked at the encounter between Romeo and Tybalt to make some connections clear: We then turned our attention...
Arguments about 3.1
English I students worked on the big turn in Romeo and Juliet: act 3 scene 1. We worked on summarizing and will return to it later in the unit with other scenes. We also began the mini-unit on...
Soliloquy and Vocabulary
English I students finished looking at Friar Laurence's opening soliloquy in 2.3, which is filled with parallelism, inversions, and all the other language tricks Shakespeare uses to be impressive....