We had our second day of ELA testing day. The kids took the day off due to the difficulty of the test.
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Anne Frank and Flies
English 8 continued on Anne Frank; English I continued on Lord of the Flies. Presentations are coming soon. The second session for ELA testing will be tomorrow. Homework is the same as yesterday and...
ELA Session 1
Today, all students took the SC-Ready writing test. The kids on our team were focused and worked hard. They wrote about...the topic -- whatever that was. Not testing violation here! We'll return to...
Presentations and Prep
Tomorrow, we'll be taking the SC Ready TDA writing test -- one of the things we've been preparing for all year. To that end, we spent a little time talking about our game plan for tomorrow....
A Visitor, Some Prep, and a Scene
The day started with the yearly visit from Mr. Jim Bannister, a local attorney who walks the students through the trial in To Kill a Mockingbird. He helps students discover new evidence and explains...
Project Work and Presentations
During advisory, we had our first quidditch match. English 8 students presented some of the work they've been doing on The Diary of Anne Frank since not everyone is completing the same work for the...
Allegory of the Lit Circles
English I Honors began the new unit on Lord of the Flies by reading Plato's "Allegory of the Cave." I threw them into the text with little to no background knowledge to let them make sense of the...
Lit Circles and Performances
English I students performed their skits about the three stories at the end of Mockingbird: what Atticus thinks happened; what Atticus and Heck Tate are eventually going to tell the town happened;...
Lit Circles All Around
All classes are working on lit circles now: English 8 is working through the second act of Anne Frank while English I is finishing Mockingbird. [gallery type="rectangular" size="medium"...
Lit Circles and Book Fair
English I students continued with their literature circles for Mockingbird, going over the surprise at the end today. We'll be finishing up the book tomorrow. English 8 students began the second act...
TDA Prep with Anne and the Famous Chapter 24
English I students finished up the confusing chapter 24 from Mockingbird, seeing just how completely devastating Maudie's "His food doesn't stick going down, does it?" comment actually is. English 8...
Chapter 24 and the Gifts
English I students went over the mysterious chapter 24 from To Kill a Mockingbird today. It will take another day tomorrow to work our way through it fully. English 8 began an analysis of the gifts...