Student Comments

What previous students have said about Mr. Scott’s class.

P. H. (Class of 2018)

English 1 is a very difficult course, the hardest course I’ve taken. It requires a lot of time and effort to be in the course. You are lucky enough to have Mr. Scott so, you will struggle but learn a ton.

S. B. (Class of 2018)

You are in the capable hands of Mr. Scott, a teacher who takes great delight in seeing his students succeed.

B. P. (Class of 2017)

You’ll learn a great amount of knowledge, which may include things you’ve never heard of and don’t think you’ll ever need again, but it will help you greatly. Mr. Scott is a hard teacher, he expects more out of you than you expect from yourself, but you will find that he can be a good teacher.

A. P. (Class of 2017)

English 1 is a very challenging class, which I know is possible to work through.  Sometimes it will feel as if Mr. Scott hates you and your class, so he gives you extra work. However, he teaches us so much, that I am grateful for the lessons we needed to learn to live our lives ahead of us.

C. C. (Class of 2017)

This class is very difficult to pass and very challenging to get used to, but even though this class is very challenging, in many different ways, this class is very beneficial.

A. K. (Class of 2017)

I hope you know what you have gotten yourself into. Mr. Scott is possibly the hardest teacher in all of Hughes Academy. You will never get a break from him, all it is is work, work, and more work. By the end of this school year, you will be very prepared for high school, but the process will be very difficult.

N. S. (Class of 2017)

In the end, Mr. Scott is a very good teacher. He likes to challenge his students indefinitely. As I said, this will prepare you for harder classes as you get older.

E. C. (Class of 2017)

This class may not be easy, but it will be worth it in the end when you see how much you have grown throughout the year.

L. P. (Class of 2016)

His class is extremely vigorous and takes a lot of effort, but it is a great class and will prepare you for your future classes

R. M. (Class of 2016)

If you put aside how much he scares you for the first week or so, you will get to see that he is in fact not scary, and he is really nice and funny. He is also very fair and should be one of your favorite teachers.

A. G. G. (Class of 2016)

You can expect a lot of hard work, but in the end it will pay off. Despite what you may have heard, Mr. Scott is not scary, he just likes to challenge your way of thinking and learning, and by the end of the year you will be glad he did.

S. T. (Class of 2016)

He is a really wonderful teacher and the way he teaches is very effective. He has defiantly been one of my best and favorite English teachers. He may seem a little scary at first and people may tell you how hard his class is but it’s not and you should be fine if you pay attention. Just know that his intentions are good.

Z. H. (Class of 2015)

You can’t really give tips to people for his class, because he tries to fit the need of each student.

A. L. D. (Class of 2015)

Mr. Scott is hands down the greatest teacher I have ever had in my life, even if this class is a challenge.

M. K. (Class of 2015)

It is Mr. Scott’s job to get you prepared for the next level of English. He does a fantastic job at that and even gets you prepared for life, by giving you the skills you can use for the rest of your life

G. R. (Class of 2015)

In the end, you will enjoy the class and you will be prepared for high school and honestly be able to look back as I am now and consider English to be one of your favorite classes.

M. P. (Class of 2015)

One thing that helped me get through the year was Mr. Scott’s high expectations for me: if I felt I couldn’t reach his expectations, Mr. Scott would not lower them but help me reach them.

F. F. (Class of 2015)

All the work has made me realize that Mr. Scott is one of the best teachers I have ever had because he really wants all of his students to succeed.

L. D. (Class of 2015)

You will hate this class, but in the end, you will realize how much you have improved as a reader and writer.

M. P. (Class of 2015)

This class will get you so prepared for the future years of English. It is a really good class even though it may be hard and challenging at times.

A. R. S. (Class of 2015)

[T]his class will make your eyes turn red and hands go numb from typing non-stop. English 1 will make you learn so many different things, but also give you major distress and anxiety.

C. J. (Class of 2015)

Mr. Scott doesn’t care that it is the first week of school; he is going to start of teaching like it is the middle of the year.

L. S. (Class of 2015)

You might be quite worried right now, reading all of the challenges that you will face this year, including the fight with procrastination and learning how to use Schaffer. However, you can not grow in writing without facing difficulties. So, trust me, you will have many challenges this year, but these challenges will form you into a better writer.

T. H. (Class of 2014)

Welcome to the devil’s domain (you know what that is I don’t have to say it). Your hands now belong to the devil himself, at least you’ll have to sell them to him in order to keep up with all the writing assignments you’re going to have to do. If you think you’ve ever written anything before now, I’m confident enough to say that you haven’t. Be prepared for the most exhausting year you’ve ever had in English so far.

A. D. (Class of 2014)

Mr. Scott will always be there to answer questions and to help you if you need it, but he will not give you everything. He teaches like a true high school teacher and in some ways like a college one.

L. P. (Class of 2014)

English 1 Honors is a very difficult class with a lot of work, but if you put in the effort, you can get a good grade. Despite all the effort required, Mr. Scott’s English class teaches you valuable writing skills that you will need in the future. So fear not, my fellow student, you will come to appreciate this class with time.

R. M. (Class of 2014)

Taking Mr. Scott’s class will help you thrive in your future English classes and help you be an overall better student. This does not come easily though you will have to work harder than ever before.

P. P. (Class of 2014)

Mr. Scott is a great teacher that you will learn a lot from. His methods are somewhat different from other teachers, but are much more effective in my opinion.

J. R. (Class of 2014)

Welcome to eighth grade English One Honors. You are most likely unprepared for what is in store for you.