
Various ventures into Mr. Scott’s mind.

Warszawa Centralna

Looking at some old pictures, I found a shot of Warszawa Centralna train station from about 2002. It was an exterior night shot, and there was little indication of what the station looked like inside. What it looks like now is vaguely similar, but there have been so...

Happy Thanksgiving 2023

adsf The header image is an AI creation using the prompt "a turkey on a table looking at people about to eat it for Thanksgiving."

Counselors Behind the Line

Our school counselors served Thanksgiving lunch today. They look snazzy in their hairnets, don't they?
All Saints’ Day

All Saints’ Day

One of the loveliest times to be in Poland is on November 1, All Saints' Day. It is a time of meeting with family, reuniting with old friends, and remember those who have passed away. The day begins...

Slow Day

Slow Day

He was a kind young man who, with the help of his parents, had his own general store at the age of twenty-five. He spoke slowly and laughed easily. I often leaned against the counter in his store,...



Obviously, no updates today. I leave you with a picture from my seven years in Poland: Lipnica Wielka, Poland, October 31, 2001

Budapest at Night

Budapest at Night

Gellert Hill Photos from an August 2003 cycling trip through Slovakia and Hungary.