
Various ventures into Mr. Scott’s mind.

Warszawa Centralna

Looking at some old pictures, I found a shot of Warszawa Centralna train station from about 2002. It was an exterior night shot, and there was little indication of what the station looked like inside. What it looks like now is vaguely similar, but there have been so...

Happy Thanksgiving 2023

adsf The header image is an AI creation using the prompt "a turkey on a table looking at people about to eat it for Thanksgiving."

Counselors Behind the Line

Our school counselors served Thanksgiving lunch today. They look snazzy in their hairnets, don't they?

Thoughts to Destiny

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character,...

Getting Ready

Getting Ready

The bare, empty room is slowly transforming.

Tlusty Czwartek

Tlusty Czwartek

Yesterday was Tlusty Czwartek, "Fat Thursday." In Poland, it's traditionally a time for paczki, doughnuts. "Ile paczków zjedliscie?" asked a friend in Poland of his Facebook friends. How many...

View from My Window

View from My Window

Snow and ice still cover much of the ground between the eighth and seventh grade halls.

