Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.
Various ventures into Mr. Scott’s mind.
I hear a chainsaw somewhere in the distance in our neighborhood, and I think, “That’s a sound I usually associate with Babcia’s small village.” Then I realize it’s just my son making his car sounds...
Eric Sevareid
One asks not only for the courage of his convictions, but for the courage of his doubts, in a world of dangerously passionate certainties.
Polish Spelling
Cleaning House
New school year, new students -- clean mailbox. It's amazing how much stuff collects in your email inbox over the course of a year...
The Visit
“J, are you here?” She somehow knocks at the door, opens the door and enters the house, and says this all at the same time. It took me a long time to grow accustomed to this style of entering a...
Afternoon Walk
The weekend winds down. The cousins head back to the outskirts of Krakow after one quick game of intercontinental family soccer. It's a version of the game that might not be immediately recognized:...
Arrival in Poland
After two flights, a moderate layover, a couple of car rides -- it all seems to have gone by in a flash when L showing her youngest cousin, D, the treasures she bourhg with her. Of course she kept...
Tennis Balls in the Washer
Sign Number 842 that the school year is over: a washing machine full of tennis balls.
Middle School Fonts
The first thing an eighth grade student does when he sits down at a computer to type something for a class project is click on the font drop down box and begin exploring the myriad fonts Word has to...
A Comic
Adagio for Strings for Chorus
(Note: I'm not promoting the religious content of the text, just the incredible beauty of the music.)
Winter Wonderland
Winter Wonderland pictures are available here.
Horse Power
Coal Delivery
I occasionally look through old pictures from the years I lived in Poland and find a picture that I'd forgotten about but which moves me to mutter to myself, "Wow." Not that I'm so terribly...