English I students finished up “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night,” realizing that despite it’s apparent difficulty, it’s really a rather straightforward poem. Afterward, we used “Good Night” cover tonal shifts and the lyric...
English I students continued with tone, returning to “The Lanyard” to notice how the poet carefully built the humor: We’ll do some more tone work tomorrow, adding a new element to explain that precipitous drop at the end of the graph. English 8...
English I students had their parts of speech test. English 8 students worked on their final drafts of their technology arguments. This slideshow requires JavaScript. HomeworkEnglish 8: complete any missing work. English I Honors: work on extra credit if...
English I students had a final bit of in-class practice with parts of speech identification before tomorrow’s test. Afterward, we went over “The Lanyard,” covering first the allusion to Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past with a short story...
English I students worked on a parts-of-speech review before the (likely) test on Friday. Afterward, we began working on tone in poetry. Students received an expansive list of tone words, which students will start learning over the next few weeks. English 8 students...
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