English 8 students worked on their Halloween story, “The Tell-Tale Heart.” We made it through the first four paragraphs: we’re working on annotations and a summary, so it takes a bit of time to go through each paragraph. We’ll continue working...
English I students finished up the work on figurative language, examining metaphors, similies, personification, hyperbole, and idioms to determine the tenor and the vehicle. We then went over meter for the last fifteen minutes of class. It won’t be on any test,...
All students began the day with the first benchmark of the quarter. We’ll go over the results at some point next week, but since the test is proprietary, we won’t be able to look at or discuss the actual questions because of licensing and copyright. It...
English I students worked on “One Art,” finishing up the somewhat challenging poem and determining: the initial tone the location of the tonal shift the meaning of the lyric moment Afterward, we looked at “The Waking” by Theodore Roethke and...
We’re only going over homework today. It’s Friday — too tired to do much else. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors: complete the questions for “The Lanyard” and complete the questions for “Do Not Go Gentle into...
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