Papa’s Waltz and Evidence

Papa’s Waltz and Evidence

English I students worked on “My Papa’s Waltz” to finish out our initial work on connotations in poetry. We worked through the poem to get an initial understanding, and tomorrow we’ll finish pulling out the connotations from the poem. English 8...
Connotation and Research

Connotation and Research

English I finished with their first poem dealing with connotations: English 8 continued with their major argument writing project, determining what evidence they already have collected for their argument:...


English 8 students worked on their major writing project for the quarter, which they will be completing this week. Today they collaborated on potential reasons to back up their chosen topics. We have a load of evidence already outlined, and tomorrow we’ll begin...
Active/Passive Inferences

Active/Passive Inferences

English 8 students worked on their Friday inferring paragraphs as well as a bit of makeup work (as needed). We took the opportunity to work outside. English I students went over active and passive voice with verbs. We’ll need to do some more practice, but most...