More Planning, Next Lit Circles

More Planning, Next Lit Circles

English 8 students had their final full day of planning and preparation for their Anne Frank presentations. We spent the day outside practicing and discussing the task ahead of them. English I students worked on their next lit circles today, theoretically discussing...
Presentation Prep and Discussion

Presentation Prep and Discussion

English I students worked on their literature circles. We discussed the true nature of Boo Radley based on the rumors Scout is sharing with the readers as well as the information she provides that seems less sensational and more reliable. English 8 students had their...
Socratic Test

Socratic Test

English 8 had a test today on our Harriet Tubman text, and English I students held a Socratic Seminar on the question of who is ultimately responsible for Romeo’s and Juliet’s death. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors:  the act four/five...