L. L. (Class of 2023)

Welcome to one of the hardest classes you have taken in middle school. You might be thinking that this class will be a breeze like English classes in the previous years, but Mr. Scott’s class is no joke. […] He will push you to your absolute max, and him doing...

R. G. (Class of 2023)

Mr. Scott’s class is definitely a difficult class, but afterwards you will find yourself writing much better paragraphs and noticing things in passages that you never would have seen before.

S. S. (Class of 2023)

This class will challenge you to think outside of the box and may stress you out sometimes. But ultimately if you pace yourself, pay attention, and ask questions you will end the school year with good grades and new amazing...

C. M. (Class of 2023)

After a few months, you might think that you want to drop out of this class but once you are finishing up the school year, you will realize how far you’ve come and you might even start to like English. At the end of this journey, you will even start to like Mr.Scott...
Warsaw, 1985

Warsaw, 1985

I first arrived in Warsaw eleven years after this photo was taken. The focus of the shot is the Palac Kultury i Nauki (“The Palace of Culture and Science”), a building that was a “gift” from Joseph Stalin in the 1950s when Poland was, for all...