A. P. (Class of 2023)

The next one-hundred eighty days are about to be life-changing! If you are reading this you are lucky enough to have the hardest but most useful teacher of eighth grade. Mr. Scott has by far been my favorite teacher because of his challenging assignments, cheery...

A. L. (Class of 2023)

This school year you will have the misfortune of getting Mr. Scott’s English 1 Class. This class will push you to your very limits and make you want to break something at least three times a week. It is a class of very high standards and a lot of work that will...

J. J. (Class of 2023)

Although it may seem like Mr. Scott is just trying to make your life impossible, he doest do all of this to be mean, he just wants you to learn. I know right now you’re probably thinking that Mr. Scott is the worst and there is no possible way you can do this...