English 8 students completed their second (and last, for the time being) Schaffer paragraph about how to have a successful school year. We’ll be having a test on Schaffer and “Thank You, Ma’am” next Tuesday. English I students finished up...
English 8 students worked on another Schaffer paragraph, a final paragraph before we will have a final assessment on the unit. This time, students worked with very little help except the aid they could provide each other. English I students began the second cycle of...
All students went to the library today for the first day of checkout and in-library reading. English 8 students completed their first real Schaffer paragraphs. We competed our TS and CDs and joined them with what we’d done yesterday to create some effective...
English 8 students worked on their first Schaffer paragraphs, returning in time to that awful time of fifth grade when we had to deal with Covid and its effects on school. Our first paragraph dealt with how Covid affected our learning in school. I introduced students...
Everyone worked on Schaffer paragraphs today — it was a Shaffer extravaganza. Schaffer-palooza. Schaffer-stock. English 8 students worked on re-ordering a scrambled Schaffer paragraph. English I students continued working on their first analytic Schaffer...
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