Games and a New Unit

Games and a New Unit

English 8 students began a new unit on informational texts. We’ll be working on it through the end of the semester in three short weeks. English I students had the final game of Odyssey game preparation: HomeworkEnglish 8: work on No Red Ink as needed....
Happy Thanksgiving 2023

Happy Thanksgiving 2023

adsf The header image is an AI creation using the prompt “a turkey on a table looking at people about to eat it for Thanksgiving.”
Project and Prep

Project and Prep

English 8 students went through a Gimkit practice session before tomorrow’s test on text structures. English I students worked on their projects for the Odyssey. Header image is an AI creation from the prompt: “a group of middle school students working on...


We had our first TDA practice test today. Since we were all writing ourselves silly (literally for hours) and only had 30 minutes of class, we sent our meager class time outside. HomeworkEnglish 8:  work on No Red Ink for commonly confused words (as necessary);...