First and second periods continued working on The Diary of Anne Frank. We worked through the second scene of the first act, modelling and practicing how we will be working with our short, upcoming projects.
We began with our diary work, with the following prompt: “Review Act 1 Scene 1 with vocabulary list. Find two or more of the vocabulary words from the list in that scene. In your diary, use those words in two or more sentences.” Results are below:
We also worked on the small timeline we created in an effort to understand the narrative structure of the piece.
Second and fourth periods spent a bit of time preparing their project for tomorrow’s due date.
Students gave their games “test drives” to work out the problems and issues that inevitably appear in such projects.
- First and fifth periods: complete The Diary of Anne Frank through page 791 (the end of Act 1 Scene 1)
- Second and fourth periods:
- final project work (it’s due tomorrow!);
- final journal entry (also due tomorrow).