Pre-Assessment, Pronouns, and Other Matters of Grammar

First period worked on pronouns today. While the EQ was “How can finding pronouns be…

August 23, 2010


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Grammatical Person / Pronouns - third person s...

Image via Wikipedia

First period worked on pronouns today. While the EQ was “How can finding pronouns be tricky?”, we never quite made it to that part of the lesson. We went over personal, reflexive/intensive, interrogative, and relative pronouns. I stressed — at least a hundred times — that I’m not interested in them being able to identify the type of pronoun; I just want them to recognize them in sentences.

Second and sixth periods had a diagnostic test to determine their understanding of the parts of speech.  It sounds terribly boring, but I hate boring: we had a Jeopardy-style class quiz show. I was able to determine the general levels of understanding in each class; they were able to have a little fun.

Fourth period went over adverbs and prepositions. We’ll be finishing up the parts of speech fairly, with a test on the material this Friday.

  • First, second, and sixth periods: none.
  • Fourth period: weekly writing assignment.