English 8 students finished, in accordance with the district pacing guide, a couple of lessons covering participles and participial phrases. We worked on materials from the workbook — practice with identifying participles. The switch from isolated participles the first two questions to participial phrases in question three was really a challenge for students. We went over some participial phrase practice to round things out, but we’re not sure everyone gets it.
English I students went through the assessments they completed yesterday and saw where they could improve (or where they disagreed with their assessors).
We then began the second short story cycle, which will deal with point of view and trustworthiness.
- English 8 Studies: none.
- English I Honors:
- review your feedback;
- send me an email if you have an assessment with three or more comments you disagree with (making sure you quote the comments so I can figure out which assessment you’re talking about).