English I Honors students worked on phrases at the end of class (test coming Monday; notes attached below) after students worked on the Joseph Campbell/Hero’s Journey work for theย Odyssey.
English 8 students continued working on figurative language as well as vocabulary for the article of the week (test at the end of the quarter) and independent reading. We’ll be having a test on figurative language next week, in all likelihood.
- English 8:
- work on Quizlet vocab for the Q2 AOW;
- work on IXL as needed (see Google Calendar for details).
- English I Honors:
- complete the Odyssey;
- work on your given passage of Campbell;
- complete the phrase work by 22 November;
- work on Quizlet vocab for the Q2 AOW;
- work on IXL as needed (see Google Calendar for details).