Sonnets and Completion

English 8 students went over homework and classwork from yesterday before completing the questions fromย Nightjohn.…

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English 8 students went over homework and classwork from yesterday before completing the questions fromย Nightjohn. Next Tuesday we’ll be having a test on the topics associated with Nightjohn.

  • voice
    • diction
    • syntax
  • participles
  • effective readers’ skills
  • using context clues

English I Honors students completed the analysis of their first sonnet:


  • English 8: work on AOW as necessary.
  • English I Honors: 
    • practice reading today’s sonnet aloud;
    • work on AOW as necessary.
Class Notes

Notes for the day's classes are available here.

Please note that this is a composite file including notes from all classes, though occasionally it might only be one or two classes. I don't differentiate in the file; that is up to you to do.