English 8 Strategies students continued with the new writing focus, cause-and-effect writing. While I planned the lesson to last one day, it really needed two days to complete properly, so we’ll drop Tuesday’s planned lesson and move it to a later date. Today we focused on a new text, working to determine which type of cause-effect organization the writer used.
English I Honors students returned to our New York Times article about Shakespeare and why he’s still read today. (Hint: it’s not just that he’s one of the greatest writers in history. The question is what makes him one of the greatest.) (And imagine if he had a typewriter…)
Afterward, we built a bit of background knowledge with a brief video on Shakespeare, Elizabethan England, and the Elizabethan theater scene in general.
Finally, I provided students with a brief overview of the play and its characters, pointing out that most of the first play-goers would have know the story already as it was based on a much older Italian story.
- English I Honors: continue working on sonnet