English I Honors began a couple of days working with tone in writing, specifically in poetry. We began by saying the same sentence in various tones of voice in order to see what “tone” means in terms of voice.
We returned to “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night” for a first attempt at determining tone.
Our second attempt dealt with last night’s homework, “My Papa’s Waltz.” It was less successful, but only because the poem has historically been so very misunderstood.
Students also received a list of tone words to begin using in discussing tone.
English 8 Strategies returned to grammar today as it is Thursday. We returned to verb phrases as we move slowly toward our ultimate goal of active and passive voice and sentence variety.
Creative writing students continued with existing projects after a short mini-lesson on how to interview people.
- English I Honors: reread the poem “The Lanyard” and mark for words with heavy connotation