Meter and More Acting/Reading

First and fourth periods looked at meter in anticipation of tacklingย Romeo and Juliet. We’ll be…

October 31, 2013


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First and fourth periods looked at meter in anticipation of tacklingย Romeo and Juliet. We’ll be finishing up the poetry unit by looking at sonnets before heading off toย R&J. (Notes for both classes are available below.)

Second and seventh periods finished up a bit of class drama as we completed the staging of a short section of The Diary of Anne Frank. Next week students will begin working in groups to tackle a small portion of the play in the weeks ahead.

Afterward, we began a “Somebody Wanted But So” post-reading assessment for scene two. Notes are below:

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Second period notes

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Seventh period notes



Class Notes

Notes for the day's classes are available here.

Please note that this is a composite file including notes from all classes, though occasionally it might only be one or two classes. I don't differentiate in the file; that is up to you to do.