English 8 finished up some annotation work. Some students didn't complete everything, though, so here are the notes from the starter:
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
Project Work, Figurative Language, and Active/Passive
English I students worked on their projects, specifically completing their two paragraphs for "Decoration Day." These should be completed by Friday so students can turn in their work and begin...
Tableaux Vivant and
English I students began act 3 in Romeo and Juliet. They created tableaux vivants to help create a summary of the scene. Students created quite accurate summaries from the tableaux themselves....
Focusing on 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6
Today in class, our English 1 students watched act 2 scenes 4, 5, and 6. They wrote down questions during the scene and at the end they wrote a one sentence summary. We also looked at the study...
2.3 and Annotations
English I students worked on their first soliloquy in the play and met Fr. Lawrence in the process: The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night, Chequering the eastern clouds with streaks of...
2.3 Soliloquy Paraphrasing
In class today, English 1 students were introduced to Friar Laurence’s Soliloquy in Act 2 Scene 3. A soliloquy is a monologue that an actor/actress says on stage by themselves. They were split into...
Balcony and Imagery
English I students looked at the two monologues in 2.2, examining it for parallelism, inversions, and the like. English 8 began "The Drummer Boy of Shiloh." We'll be paying attention to the setting...
1.5 Completion and Jigsaw
English I worked on 1.5, discovering a few things that will be on repeat throughout the rest of the play. English 8 students finished up the jigsaw reading of the Frederick Douglass excerpt we...
1.5 and Summaries
English I students looked at 1.5, specifically at all the hidden stage instructions in the opening lines: We'll finish it up tomorrow looking at the exchange between Tybalt and Capulet. English 8...
Douglass and Shakespeare
English I worked on the opening of Romeo and Juliet. English 8 worked on Frederick Douglass.
First Day 2025
English I students were excited to begin Romeo and Juliet. We went over the the the prologue and determined that the opening lines literally revolve around the the "pair of star-cross'd lovers. Once...
Finishing Up and Sharing
English 8 students finished their analytic essays today (in theory). Anyone who didn't finish will have until the end of the week to complete it. English I students, because so many won't be here...