Lit Circles All Around

18 school days left All classes worked on literature circles today, which meant the classroom looked…

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Mr. Scott
school days left

All classes worked on literature circles today, which meant the classroom looked quite different than it normally looks:

Sixth-period students

English 8 students (above and below) worked on The Diary of Anne Frank. We’ll be reading all of act 2 in literature circles. Students should be finishing up scene 1 by Tuesday after the SC-Ready test.

Sixth-period students

English I students worked on lit circles for Mockingbird. We’ll finish the novel by next week.


  • English 8: complete any lit circle work you might need to complete in order to be done with act 2 scene 1 by the end of class Tuesday.
  • English I Honors: 
    • work on comprehension questions as needed;
    • complete reading as decided by your literature circle.