Tone and Analysis Completion

English I English I students worked on tone in the poetry we’ve read thus far.…

October 03, 2022


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Mr. Scott

English I

English I students worked on tone in the poetry we’ve read thus far. We began with “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night,” noting the tone of defiance at the beginning of the poem and how the repetition of “do not go gentle” and “rage, rage” set that tone. The end of the poem, however, shifts to a begging/pleading tone as the speaker implores his father to fight death as it approaches.

Afterward, we turned to “Because You Asked about the Line Between Prose and Poetry,” noting the tonal shift and the two different tones before and after it.

Students then worked in groups on “Those Winter Sundays.”

We began “My Papa’s Waltz” at the end of class, and students should complete that for homework.

English 8

English 8 students finished their analytic writing pieces about voice in Nightjohn and how the author creates the voice of an uneducated slave girl using diction, unconventional grammar, and fragments. Students need to complete this at home or during advisory by tomorrow.


  • English 8: complete Nightjohn voice piece on Google Classroom.
  • English I Honors: 
    • complete tone work on “My Papa’s Waltz”;
    • prepare for the parts of speech test Thursday;