Final Schaffer Writing

English I students began by looking at their article of the week to get some…

September 07, 2022


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Mr. Scott

English I students began by looking at their article of the week to get some more practice on what exactly I expect students to do for the required context-clue words. We worked to determine context clues for “depleted.”

Afterward, we embarked on a short overview of the parts of speech in mini-lessons that will span the next few days. We covered the basics of all the parts of speech before we begin delving into details. Finally, we finished up the final day of Schaffer planning and writing for the “Cask of Amontillado” analytic paragraph. Students received a checklist to double-check their work before turning it in tomorrow.

English 8 students worked on their article of the week, looking at the next figures. We looked at the effect of setting the baseline to zero.

Sixth-period students finished up their analytic paragraphs on “Thank You, Ma’am” and the way Roger’s view of himself changed over the course of the story. They too received a checklist to help them make sure they are fulfilling all the obligations of the rubric.

Seventh-period students continued with their analytic paragraphs, looking for concrete details in the text of “Thank You, Ma’am.” We determined the first one together:

Once that was complete, students looked at their claims in the topic sentence and began looking for a quote to prove the second half of their TS, which should be a second reason Mrs. Jones helped Roger.


  • English 8: 
    • sixth-period students: complete you Schaffer paragraphs on how Roger’s view of himself changed;
    • seventh-period students: complete your second CD of your paragraph about why Mrs. Jones helped Roger.
  • English I Honors: 
    • complete your “Cask of Amontillado” paragraph;
    • use your checklist to go over the paragraph;
    • complete the parts of speech work for 1-5, identifying these words’ part of speech:
    • They attended the concert last weekend.
    • Several cats ran into Rob’s garage.
    • The truck driver delivered the packages quickly.
    • Fast runners won all the awards at the track meet.
    • My friends and I walked home after school.