Quote Integration and Theme

English I Students worked on increasing their mastery of concrete details by learning how to…

August 19, 2022


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Mr. Scott

English I

Students worked on increasing their mastery of concrete details by learning how to use quotes more effectively. We went over three steps to integrate quotes more effectively (Download) and had a little practice as a class, as groups, and as individuals.

English 8

English 8 students had a fairly relaxed day: we had some practice group discussion as part of assessing students’ comfort with and skill in determining the theme of a story. We began by discussing why Ms. Jones helps Roger in “Thank You, Ma’am” and by finding textual evidence to back our ideas. We then used this to determine the theme. Most students determined that the primary theme concerned giving second chances, something like “One should always give people a second chance.”

It was, in all, a good day.


  • English 8: complete questions from “Thank You, Ma’am” as necessary.
  • English I Honors: read “The Most Dangerous Game” for Monday.

Standards for Today

English 8
  • RL-6.1 Determine one or more themes and analyze the development and relationships to character, setting, and plot over the course of a text; provide an objective summary.
English I Honors
  • W-1.1 g. Write arguments that quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation;