
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…

Lit Circles and Book Fair

Lit Circles and Book Fair

English I students continued with their literature circles for Mockingbird, going over the surprise at the end today. We'll be finishing up the book tomorrow. English 8 students began the second act...

TDA Prep with Anne and the Famous Chapter 24

TDA Prep with Anne and the Famous Chapter 24

English I students finished up the confusing chapter 24 from Mockingbird, seeing just how completely devastating Maudie's "His food doesn't stick going down, does it?" comment actually is. English 8...

Chapter 24 and the Gifts

Chapter 24 and the Gifts

English I students went over the mysterious chapter 24 from To Kill a Mockingbird today. It will take another day tomorrow to work our way through it fully. English 8 began an analysis of the gifts...

Tom’s Testimony and Clock Buddies

Tom’s Testimony and Clock Buddies

English I students worked on Tom's testimony in To Kill a Mockingbird. Students now have diagrammed notes about all testimony thus presented: Heck Tate Bob Ewell Mayella Ewell Tom Robinson English 8...

Lit Circles and Scene 4

Lit Circles and Scene 4

English 8 students went through act 1 scene 4 today. We're almost done with presentations, which means we're almost done with the first act. English I students had their next day of lit circles...

Trial and Scene 3

Trial and Scene 3

English 8 students finished up act 1 scene 3 from The Diary of Anne Frank today by watching a performance of the scene. Students then worked on their scene questions on Moodle. English I students...

Acting and Lit Circles

Acting and Lit Circles

English 8 students continued with their acting/presentation projects today. Sixth-period's group 2 went while seventh-period's group 1 presented today. Afterward, we looked at a key passage from the...

Final Prep, Lit Circles, and the Library

Final Prep, Lit Circles, and the Library

All classes began with some time in the library for checkout. Afterward, English I students had their final lit circles on chapters 9-12 of Mockingbird while English 8 students had their final day...

More Planning, Next Lit Circles

More Planning, Next Lit Circles

English 8 students had their final full day of planning and preparation for their Anne Frank presentations. We spent the day outside practicing and discussing the task ahead of them. [gallery...

Presentation Prep and Discussion

Presentation Prep and Discussion

English I students worked on their literature circles. We discussed the true nature of Boo Radley based on the rumors Scout is sharing with the readers as well as the information she provides that...