Finishing Mockingbird, Practicing the TDA

English I students finished To Kill a Mockingbird, looking at the twist at the end of…

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Mr. Scott

English I students finished To Kill a Mockingbird, looking at the twist at the end of the book that most students miss: there were two knives involved.

English 8 students had another practice TDA planning session. We used the prompt, “Write an essay in which you examine how dialogue shows the personalities of Peter and Anne.” We divided it into two specific possible topic sentences:

  • The dialogue of the scene illustrates that Peter is a shy boy.
  • The dialogue of the scene illustrates that Anne is a bold/talkative girl.

We then planned a couple of CDs for each topic sentence, discussing in the end the CM we might create to go with our nearly-planned paragraphs.


  • English 8 Studies: none.
  • English I Honors: 
    • complete Mockingbird questions on Moodle by Tuesday;
    • all phrase and clause work is due now.