Poetry Steps and Close Reading

English I Honors students finished up their examination of “Because You Asked About the Line…

September 23, 2021


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Mr. Scott

English I Honors students finished up their examination of “Because You Asked About the Line Between Prose and Poetry,” discovering that everything literally points back to the snow and drizzle of the first two lines, when then echo the prose and poetry of the title.

We went through several steps for understanding poetry:

  1. Check all unknown words
  2. Annotate text for the most important words per line
  3. Clear up ambiguity
    1. Pronoun/antecedent
    2. Words with multiple meaning
    3. Unclear syntax
  4. Look for patterns and repetitions
  5. Examine the impact the title has on the poem.

Students who were absent can review the material here.

English 8 students read chapter 3 of Nightjohn, using the It Says/I Say engagement to keep track of their effective readers’ skills.

We’ll be returning to the idea of diction and voice tomorrow.


  • English 8: 
    • work on one-pager as necessary (due in one week);
    • work on AOW as needed.
  • English I Honors: 
    • work on one-pager as necessary (due in one week);
    • work on AOW as needed;
    • work on symbolism/irony paragraph (due Friday) as necessary.