Perspective, Schaffer, and Integrating Quotes

Classes examine perspective and learn about integrating quotes

September 02, 2021


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Mr. Scott

English I students worked on perspective, point of view, and narrators, reading “In the Family” in class and discussing its curiosities. We’ll begin planning something to write about it tomorrow.

English 8 students had a split day: fifth period worked to get caught up to sixth period by looking at how to write a Schaffer paragraph in which the CDs are requisite quotes from the text under consideration.

The paragraph we came up with from this planning was similar to what sixth period created yesterday.

Sixth period worked on quote integration for our CDs:

Fifth period will catch up with this work tomorrow.


  • English 8: complete example 4 from work today (sixth period only).
  • English I Honors: work on AOW as needed.