More Schaffer Work For Everyone

All students worked on Schaffer at different levels today.

August 30, 2021


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Mr. Scott

English I students continued working on their first Schaffer analytic paragraphs today. They should have the paragraphs planned almost entirely and need only to write them out as paragraphs rather than elements in a chart/graphic organizer.

English 8 students also worked on Schaffer paragraphs: they worked to create their first Schaffer paragraphs without direct teacher assistance concerning the exact content.

While I provided some guidance for the structure of the paragraph, I was merely the secretary for the content. Fifth and sixth periods came up with slightly different material in that case:

Fifth period’s work

Sixth period’s work

Fifth period will write the paragraphs tomorrow whereas sixth period completed the planning and had time actually to write the paragraph.


  • English 8: work on the article of the week as necessary.
  • English I Honors: complete the first paragraph, which is on plot and setting in “The Most Dangerous Game.”