Second Day 2021

Students in English I today dove into the topic we covered only in overview form…

August 18, 2021


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Mr. Scott

Students in English I today dove into the topic we covered only in overview form yesterday: the Schaffer body paragraph. We looked at some student examples from last year and evaluated the topic sentence, one concrete detail, and one commentary sentence from one paragraph — a close look at one small slice of a Shaffer paragraph.

English 8 today began working on Effective Readers’ Skills — I use title case there because it is the most important topic/tool we’ll cover all year.

In advisory, we learned a little about each other and played the cup game.


  • English 8 Studies: none.
  • English I Honors: 500-word introductory letter, due tomorrow. You can discuss academic and/or personal facts that you feel I should know about.