English I students worked on "My Papa's Waltz" to finish out our initial work on connotations in poetry. We worked through the poem to get an initial understanding, and tomorrow we'll finish pulling...
What our classroom did in previous days, weeks, months, even years…
English 8 students worked on their major writing project for the quarter, which they will be completing this week. Today they collaborated on potential reasons to back up their chosen topics. We...
Active/Passive Inferences
English 8 students worked on their Friday inferring paragraphs as well as a bit of makeup work (as needed). We took the opportunity to work outside. [gallery type="rectangular" link="file"...
Poetry and Analysis
After going over transitive and intransitive verbs for fifteen minutes, English I finished their first poem: What a layered puzzle of wonderfulness! Well, I'm not sure the students all agree yet...
Argument and Poetry
English I students began the second unit today, a short overview of poetry. We began by reading "Because You Asked About the Line Between Prose and Poetry." I intended to screenshot our annotations,...
Homework Only Today
I didn't get a chance to screenshot anything before I left today, so it's homework only.
Prepositions and a Second Article
English I students continued with their parts of speech review, getting out of the traditional order and skipping from adjective to prepositions in order to help students identify prepositional...
Pronouns and Evidence
English I students worked on their parts-of-speech review for the first bit of class, learning about indefinite pronouns and how they're slippery fellows, sometimes transforming themselves into...
Pronouns, Development, and Evidence
English I students continued their parts of speech review, going over pronouns today and learning about things like antecedents and relative pronouns. Afterward, we worked on our "Magi"/"Necklace"...
Parts of Speech, Irony, Symbolism, and Paradox
English I students worked on a brief parts of speech overview that we'll be conducting alongside the regular unit we're working on, which right now is the short story unit. After a brief review of...
Socratic Paradox
English I students conducted a Socratic seminar about the short stories "The Necklace" and "The Gift of the Magi." We used the more formal paired alignment of the Socratic seminar, which we will use...
Irony TS and Friday Work on a Thursday
English I students went over their first major writing assignment on “The Cask of Amontillado” and whether or not we can trust the narrative despite the narrator being a confessed murderer. (We can...