Tone in Poetry and Verb Mood

English 8 students returned to tone in poetry today, using the figurative language we’d discovered…

December 03, 2019


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Mr. Scott

English 8 students returned to tone in poetry today, using the figurative language we’d discovered and analyzed in the poem “The Black Earth” we’d been working on for the last few days.

We’ll be doing similar work during the next few days, gradually moving to a point that the students can do it themselves with little outside assistance.

English I students continued verb work, looking at verb mood and beginning the transitive/intransitive distinction.

Reference for homework

These things are on Google Classroom.


  • English 8 Studies: none.
  • English I Honors: 
    • complete the “Cleaning House” text and questions (see above);
    • work on the verb mood questions 1-10 (see above);
    • IXL work on linking verbs;
    • work on Quizlet vocab work.